Student Chapters

GOA: Group of Optics of the Andes
It is an interdisciplinary student chapter around the study of light. Since its founding in 2013 it has been affiliated with the Optical Society of America (OSA), and is currently seeking to affiliate the group with SPIE.
The objectives of the GOA group are:
- To carry out pedagogical activities that involve the entire uniandina community for the dissemination of optics.
- Encourage discussion of the optics for possible future development of research projects.
- Attract new students from both physics and other programs to generate interest in the study of optics.
Among the activities carried out by the group are:
GOA Demonstration Experiments
Weekly activity where a phenomenon or topic related to light is presented to the general public.
Special events
We participate in events organized by the community, in addition to others promoted and organized directly by GOA. Examples of activities in these events are 'the laser trap', 'fluorescent shadows' and 'optical marathon'.
GOA participates in Expociencia with the preparation of a stand dedicated to optics, where associated workshops are offered.
Dissemination in schools
The GOA group offers schools outreach activities in optics using didactic material. If you would like GOA to visit your school, please contact us at