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Message From The Director

The Physics Department of Universidad de los Andes is a leader in research and scientific formation in Colombia. The department is composed by highly qualified research-professors, most of them with doctoral degree and postdoctoral experience. Our professors maintain scientific collaborations and high level research projects with universities and research centers of many countries in Europe, United States, Latin America, Asia and Australia. Their research outcome is reflected in a large number of publications in high impact international indexed scientific journals.


The Department of Physics is committed to the scientific development of Colombia and to this end it offers one of the nation’s best formation in Physics at the undergraduate, Master and PhD levels. Most of our graduates are successful professionals devoted to the scientific progress, working with universities and research centers in Colombia and abroad. In addition, other graduates are part of the productive sector, such as the industry, contributing with their knowledge, experience, methodology, rigor and the great versatility that characterizes any scientist.


In this webpage you will find more information about the Physics Department.



CHad Leidy
Titular professor
Physics Dapartment
Universidad de los Andes