
The Physics Department has one (1) computer room that can be used by the students belonging to the physics department, to carry out different academic activities. This room, called COMPUFISICA, besides being at the service of the students, is also used for undergraduate and graduate classes that require computer practices.
The COMPUTER room, located in room Y110B, currently has twenty-three (23) computers, a computer for the exhibitor, two projectors, a printer and a scanner. Computing runs on a Linux platform (Ubuntu). Likewise, there is a server for the exclusive use of undergraduate students, with a capacity of 1TB in disk and 32GB in memory.
Postgraduate Offices

Graduate students are located in building (I) commonly known as The Chapel. On the second floor are located the Master's students and on the second floor are located the Doctorate students. Each student has a permanently assigned computer of good performance.
Additionally, they have at their disposal one (1) printer and one (1) scanner. The computers run on Linux (Scientific Linux, CentOS and Ubuntu) and Windows (Windows 7 and 10).
Computer Center

On the other hand, the Physics Department has four (4) servers dedicated to administrative tasks, three (6) servers for the Department's research groups and a Virtualization platform with 1Tb of RAM, 98 cores and 5Tb of effective storage that is used to virtualize high-performance permanent student desktops.
The Department's administrative employees and Plant Teachers are also a fundamental part of it, which is why each of them is assigned a good performance computer in their office.
Software Resources

The Department's administrative employees and Plant Teachers are also a fundamental part of it, which is why each of them has a good performance computer assigned to their office. In addition, they have, among other special software, the following software resources:
- Mathematica
- Matlab
- Origin
- COMSOL 4.3 y 5.3
- Igor
- CreativeCloud
- LabView
- SparkoCam
- SuperMongo
- Wien2k
- Rhinoceros
- NAG libraries
- Compilers: C, C++, Fortran
- GNU software
- Latex
- Gnuplot y xmgr
- Wirecast
Additionally and according to the agreements that Universidad de los Andes has with different software companies (for more information, there is access to software under Campus Agreement license, in which students, teaching staff and employees can access.
All this software is to be used in tasks related to jobs that are developed within the University of the Andes. The acquisition of this software can be done by requesting it directly to the DSTI or it can also be requested to the system administrator of the Physics Department.
For security reasons and in order to avoid the loss of hardware and software, attacks made by intruders (hackers) on the rooms and the characteristics of the different works carried out in each of them, the rooms must be kept independent. Therefore, each room will have its own rules of use, and each room must be occupied by the students of its respective program.
Any additional software required to be installed according to the needs, should be previously consulted with the department's system administrator.