Combining Microscopic Nuclear Structure and Reaction Descriptions: The Frontier of Physics and Nuclear Data Evaluations

Nuclear structure and reactions have key roles in the study of the origin of elements in the Universe, as well as in modern applications including medical treatments and space exploration. For example, a precise knowledge of reaction rates and particle absorption are of fundamental importance in the mass aggregation mechanism of r-process and increase the accuracy of radio isotopes production and radiation spectroscopy. Theoretical calculations of such events are required to supplement or even provide the necessary nuclear data. Theory can provide direct and indirect information about reactions involving unstable targets, systems where measurements cannot be performed due to the fast decay of the nuclei involved. Most of today’s nuclei of interest are not spherical, and the extra degrees of freedom associated with their deformation increases the complexity of the calculations. We are improving the predictive power of nuclear reaction calculations by combining a modern reaction formulation with the state-of-the-art deformed QRPA (Quasi-Particle Random Phase Approximation) description. We are also working on specific evaluations in ENDF to improve the spectra of capture and inelastic gamma-ray emissions of direct and compound nucleus type. I will present and discuss selected results.