Inicio / Eventos / Seminario Fn / Simulation of an alpha-process in a stellar explosive environment

Simulation of an alpha-process in a stellar explosive environment

  • Jose Daniel Trujillo

    University of Calgary

Lugar: Uniandes | Edificio IP-305
Fecha: 21 de Noviembre del 2022
hora: 2:00 pm

The r-process nucleosynthesis is a chain of nuclear reactions that are responsible for about half of the heavy element abundance in the universe. The production of those elements happens in explosive environments with the appropriate number of neutrons and seed nuclei present. Initial abundances of them are formed with alpha captures by light nuclei as well as other reactions, and this formation is called the alpha-process. In general, studies use nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) to determine those initial abundances, however, explosive stellar environments not always remain in equilibrium for which more accurate methods are required. In this work, I will go through the whole simulation process of an alpha process network in a high entropy wind.

Lugar: Uniandes | Edificio IP-305