Inicio / Eventos / Seminario Biofisica / Membrane curvature induces cardiolipin sorting

Membrane curvature induces cardiolipin sorting

  • Angela Carolina Cabrera

    Estudiante de pregrado, Departamento de Física, Universidad de los Andes

Lugar: Uniandes | Edificio IP-105
Fecha: 10 de Febrero del 2023
hora: 2:00 pm

Cardiolipin is a cone-shaped lipid predominantly localized in curved membrane sites of bacteria and in the mitochondrial cristae. This specific localization has been argued to be geometry-driven, since the CL’s conical shape relaxes curvature frustration. Although previous evidence suggests a coupling between CL concentration and membrane shape in vivo, no precise experimental data are available for curvature-based CL sorting in vitro. Here, we test this hypothesis in experiments that isolate the effects of membrane curvature in lipid bilayer nanotubes. CL sorting is observed with increasing tube curvature, reaching a maximum at optimal CL concentrations, a fact compatible with self-associative clustering. Observations are compatible with a model of membrane elasticity including van der Waals entropy, from which a negative intrinsic curvature of −1.1 nm−1 is predicted for CL. The results contribute to understanding the physicochemical interplay between membrane curvature and composition, providing key insights into mitochondrial and bacterial membrane organization and dynamics.

Lugar: Uniandes | Edificio IP-105