Quasiparticles at the Heart of Quantum Matter

Many of the most interesting materials studied by condensed matter physicists today exhibit astonishing emergent behaviors. Emergent behaviors cannot be ascribed to the properties of a single electron; they result from many-electron interactions and electron correlations. This talk will qualitatively describe how a number of exotic ground states and quasiparticles emerge in specific materials, from fractional electric charges to high-temperature superconductivity to the separation of the electron’s charge from its spin. The talk will conclude with the generation of magnetic monopoles, and, finally, the pairing of electrons to form magnetic Bose-Einstein condensates. In a very real sense, for electrons and condensed matter physicists alike, every material is a new universe to explore.
El Prof. Gregory Boebinger es Graduado del Ph.D. en Física de MIT (1986), y del pregrado en Física de Purdue University (1981). El profesor Boebinger es, desde el año 2004, el director del Laboratorio Nacional de Altos Campos Magnéticos de USA. El profesor Boebinger es, además, un activo investigador en el área de física de la materia condensada, con más de 120 publicaciones en las revistas científicas más reconocidas, un índice H de 42, y alrededor de 12.900 citaciones. Sus contribuciones científicas más recientes se centran en la superconductividad de alta temperatura crítica.